Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sentry and Maxtor team up for SentrySafe FIRE-SAFE/Waterproof safe and drives

When most people express concern and worry about data loss, it's usually due to the more common cases: drive failure, accidental deletion, power surges from lightning storms, etc. Not so often do drive companies cater to those with paranoia of fire / flood / acts of God, etc. crowd, but for that crowd SentrySafe and Maxtor have teamed up on the FIRE-SAFE/Waterproof safe and drive. - EnGadget

Not only the object of waterproofing is achieved, but also the noise is isolated. So how waterproof is it? Of course, being waterproof is a big deal for me, so I give them 4 stars for this product. Basically it means you can do deep-sea diving with it.

Protect your most important papers and documents from the threat of fire and water with this quality, SentrySafe FIRE-SAFE Waterproof File. This fire-safe waterproof security file will protect important documents from fire and water. I like that this product is fire-safe up to one hour and that it is protected from water damage. Protection from fire and water is yours with every Sentry Fire-Safe Waterproof Security product. Compact and versatile, Sentry Fire-Safe Chests are the most popular in the world. One thing I learned in my research is that fire-safe does not necessarily mean heat-safe, nor does it always mean waterproof.

Be warned, however. "Waterproof" is one of those terms that's open to abuse.